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Università degli Studi di Cagliari

Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia

Table of Contents of the Notes of the lessons on the History of Medicine

Notes of the lessons on the History of Medicine (A Sardinian perspective) as taught by Prof. Alessandro Riva to the medical students of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cagliari (expected to take 12 hours). Reviewed by Prof. Riva with the assistance of Drs F. Loffredo, M. Piludu and G. Conti. Updated 2009.*

Online edition by Beniamino Orrù and Barbara Spina.


Translated from the original Italian by Clive Prestt and revised by Alessandro Riva and Bernard Tandler
* Owing to the extent of the subject and of the limited time allowed by the present curricular regulations, the outline of History of Medicine resulting from these notes is, necessarily, incomplete and based on personal choices. For a more comprehensive study, readers may refer to the bibliographical references reported at the end.