Onali MC Stampa

Olianas Maria Concetta

Ricercatore Confermato

SSD: BIO/14  Farmacologia


Sezione di Farmacologia biochimica, dipartimento di Neuroscienze Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato                                                             Tel. 0706754322                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fax.076754320                                                                                                                                                                                                                  e-mail. molianas(at)unica.it



Farmacologia (Cdl Medicina e Chirurgia)                                                                                                                                                                                        Farmacologia molecolare (Scuola di specializzazione in Farmacologia)

Farmacologia (farmacocinetica e farmacodinamica) (Scuola di specializzazione in Medicina Interna)


Farmacologia Molecolare e Cellulare                                                                                                                                                                               Meccanismi di segnalazione dei recettori accoppiati a proteine G                                                                                                                                             Neuropsicofarmacologia.



1) OLIANAS MC, DEDONI S, AMBU R, ONALI P (2009) Agonist activity of N-desmethylclozapine at delta opioid receptors of human frontal cortex. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 607: 96-101.

2) OLIANAS MC, SOLARI P, GARAU L, LISCIA A, CRNJAR R, ONALI P (2006) Stimulation of cyclic AMP formation and nerve electrical activity by octopamine in the terminal abdominal ganglion of the female gypsy moth Lymantria .dispar. Brain Res. 1071: 63-74..

3) OLIANAS MC, CONCAS D, ONALI P (2006) Agonist activity of naloxone benzoyl hydrazone at recombinant and native opioid receptors. Br. J. Pharmacol. 147: 360-370.

4) OLIANAS MC, AMBU R, GARAU L, ONALI P (2005) Allosteric modulation of GABAB receptor function in human frontal cortex. Neurochem. Int. 46: 149-158.

5) OLIANAS MC, ADEM A, KARLSSON E, ONALI P (2004) Action of the muscarinic toxin MT7 on agonist-bound muscarinic M1 receptors. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 487: 65-72.

6) OLIANAS MC, ONALI P (2002) Pharmacological properties of nociceptin/orphanin FQ-induced stimulation and inhibition of cyclic AMP formation in distinct layers of rat olfactory bulb. Br. J. Pharmacol. 135: 233-238.

7) OLIANAS MC, MAULLU C, ADEM A, MULUGETA E, KARLSSON E, ONALI P (2000) Inhibition of acetylcholine muscarinic M1 receptor function by the M1 selective ligand muscarinic toxin 7 (MT7). Br. J. Pharmacol. 131: 447-452.

8) OLIANAS MC, ONALI P. (1999) PD102807, a novel muscarinic M4 receptor antagonist, discriminates between striatal and cortical muscarinic receptors coupled to cyclic AMP. Life Sci. 65: 2233-2240.

9) OLIANAS MC, MAULLU C, INGIANNI A, ONALI P (1999) [Phe1phi(CH2NH)Gly2]nociceptin-(1-13)-NH2 acts as a partila agonist at ORL1 receptor endogenously expressed in mouse N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells. NeuroReport 10: 1127-1131..

10) OLIANAS MC, ONALI P (1999). GABAB receptor-mediated stimulation of adenylyl cyclase activity in membranes of rat olfactory bulb. Br. J. Pharmacol. 126: 657-664.