Università di Cagliari Catalogo dei Periodici - I
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | - | Y | Z |
IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans
1978-1988; Lyon
ISSN: 02509555
Già: IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to man
Poi: IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans
Lac. 1980;
(Dep C 28d)IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to man
1972-1978; Lyon
ISSN: 03013944
Poi: IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans
Lac. 1976-1977;
(Dep C 28d)IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans
1988-....; Lyon
ISSN: 10171606
Già: IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans
Lac. 1992;
(Dep C 28d)Igiene moderna
1908-....; Parma; Roma
ISSN: 00191655
Lac. 1989-1991;1993;1996;
(A 12; Dep C 4d)Immunogenetics
1974-....; Berlin
ISSN: 00937711
Lac. 1999;2002;2004;
(Dep C 21d)Immunological reviews
1977-....; Copenhagen
ISSN: 01052896
Già: Transplantation reviews
(A 37; Dep C 12a)Immunology and allergy clinics of North America
1987-....; Philadelphia
ISSN: 08898561
Già: Clinics in immunology and allergy
(Dep C 21d)Immunology today
1980-2000; Amsterdam, Cambridge
ISSN: 01674919
Poi: Trends in immunology
Lac. 1999;
(Dep D 14d)Incontri di cosmetologia
1988-....; Milano
Supplemento a: Cosmesi dermatologica
(A. 119)Indian journal of physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
1926-1976; Calcutta
ISSN: 00195480
Si scinde in: Indian journal of physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science. A
Indian journal of physics and Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science. B
Già: Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Lac.Industria chimica
1929-1934; Roma
ISSN: 03677214
Già: Notiziario chimico industriale
Poi: La Chimica e l'industria
1929-1934.Industrial and engineering chemistry research
1987-....; Washington
ISSN: 08885885
Deriva dalla fusione di:Industrial and engineering chemistry. Fundamentals
Industrial and engineering chemistry. Process design and development
Industrial and engineering chemistry. Product research and development
(Dep A 17b II)Industrial and engineering chemistry. Fundamentals
1962-1986; Washington
ISSN: 01964313
Poi: Industrial and engineering chemistry research
1962-1986.Industrial and engineering chemistry. International edition
1959-1970; Washington
Già: Industrial and engineering chemistry. Industrial edition
Poi: Chemtech
(Dep A 17b II)Industrial and engineering chemistry. Process design and development
1962-1986; Washington
ISSN: 01964305
Poi: Industrial and engineering chemistry research
(Dep A 17b II)Industrial and engineering chemistry. Product research and development
1962-1986; Washington
ISSN: 01964321
Poi: Industrial and engineering chemistry research
(Dep A 17b II)Industrial health
1963-....; Kawasaki
ISSN: 00198366
Lac. 1987;1989-1991;1998;2002;2004-2005;
(Dep C 1b)Industrie alimentari
1962....; Pinerolo
ISSN: 0019901X
Ha come suppl.: Italian food & beverage technology
Ha come suppl.: Food Europe
Lac. 1992-1995;1997;1999;2001-2004;
(Dep D 17d)Informazioni sui farmaci
Bollettino del servizio di documentazione scientifica delle farmacie comunali riunite di Reggio Emilia
1977-....; Reggio Emilia
(A. 0)Infrared physics
1961-1993; Oxford
ISSN: 00200891
Poi: Infrared physics & technology
(Fisica)Inorganic chemistry
1962-....; Easton
ISSN: 00201669
Lac. 1973;1975;1982;
(Dep A 22d IV)Inorganic and nuclear chemistry letters
1965-1981; Oxford
ISSN: 00201650
Supplemento a:Journal of inorganic and nuclear chemistry
Poi: Polyhedron
Lac. 1981.
(Dep A 22b IV)Inorganica chimica acta
1967-....; Lausanne
ISSN: 00201693
Comprende: Inorganica chimica acta reviews
(Dep A 22c III)Inquinamento (Milano)
1976-....; Milano
ISSN: 00014982
Già: Inquinamento. Acqua, aria, suolo, rumore
(A 70, Dep A 5e III)Intensive care medicine
1977-....; Berlin
ISSN: 03424642
Ha come supplemento: Intensive care medicine. Supplement
Già: European journal of intensive care medicine
Lac. 1999;
(Anest)International angiology
1982-....; Torino
ISSN: 03929590
1998-2001;International archives of occupational and environmental health
1975-....; Berlin
ISSN: 03400131
Già: Internationales archiv fur Arbeitsmedizin
Lac. 1997-1998;2001;
(A. 13; Dep C 27d)International clinical psychopharmacology
1986-....; London
ISSN: 02681315
Lac. 2004; 2006;
(A 18; Dep C 7c)International data series. Vedi: Selected data on misture
(Dep A 17b I)International journal of the addictions
1966-1995; New York
ISSN: 0020773X
Poi: Substance use & misuse
Lac. 1992;
(Dep D 20c)International journal of applied radiation and isotopes
1956-1985; Oxford
ISSN: 0020-708X
POI:International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation. Part A: Applied radiation and isotopes
Lac. 1983;
(Dep C 21d)The International journal of artificial organs
1978-....; Milano
ISSN: 03913988
Lac. 1990-1991;1996;1999;
(Dep D 16d-15a)International journal of bifurcation and chaos in applied sciences and and engineering
1991-....; Singapore
ISSN: 02181274
(Dep B 25)International journal of dermatology
1970-....: Philadelphia
ISSN: 00119059
Già: Dermatologia internationalis
Lac. 2003;
(Dermos)International journal of developmental neuroscience
1983-....; Oxford
ISSN: 07365748
Lac. 1992-1994;1997;
(Dep C 26a)International journal of epidemiology
1972-....; Oxford
ISSN: 03005771
Lac. 1983;1992-1993;2001;2005-2006;
(A 28; Dep C 28b)The International journal of high performance computing applications
1998-....; Thousand Oaks
ISSN: 10943420
Già: The international journal of supercomputer applications
and high performance computing
1998-2000;International journal of microcirculation : clinical and experimental
1982-1997; Boston
ISSN: 01676865
Assorbito da: Journal of vascular research
Lac. 1985;
(Dep C 28b)International journal of neuropharmacology
1962-1969; Oxford
Poi: Neuropharmacology
Lac. 1966;
(Dep C 6e)International journal of neuropsychopharmacology
1998-....; Cambridge
ISSN: 14611457
Lac. 1998;2002-2007;
(A 16; Dep C 7d)International journal of occupational and environmental health
1995-....; Philadelphia
ISSN: 10773525
Lac. 2004;
(A 16; Dep C 1a)International journal of quantum chemistry
1967-....; New York
ISSN: 00207608
Ha come supplemento:International journal of quantum chemistry. Symposia
International journal of quantum chemistry. Quantum
biology symposia
International journal of quantum chemistry. Quantum chemistry symposium
Lac. 1996;
(Dep A 17b IV-c I)International journal of remote sensing
1980-....; New York
ISSN: 01431161
(Dep B 11)International journal of sulfur chemistry
1973-1976; Santa Monica
ISSN: 00470775
Deriva dalla fusione di:
International journal of sulfur chemistry. Part A: Original exprerimental and Theoretical studies
International journal of sulfur chemistry. Part B: Quarterly reports on Sulfur chemistry
International Journal of Sulfur chemistry. Part C: Mechanisms of reactions of sulfur compounets
Poi: Phosphorus and sulfur and the related elements
(Dep A 24e III)International journal of sulfur chemistry. Part A: Original
exprerimental and Theoretical studies
1971-1972; Santa Monica
ISSN: 03678423
Poi: International journal of sulfur chemistry
(Dep A 24e III)International journal of sulfur chemistry. Part B: Quarterly
reports on Sulfur chemistry
1971-1972; Santa Monica
ISSN: 00949345
Già: Quarterly reports on sulfur chemistry
Poi: International journal of sulfur chemistry
(Dep A 24e III)International journal of sulfur chemistry. Part C: Mechanisms
of reactions of sulfur compounets
1971-1972; Santa Monica
ISSN: 03680061
Già: Mechanisms of reactions of sulfur compounds
Poi: International journal of sulfur chemistry
(Dep A 24e III)The international journal of supercomputer applications and high performance computing
1994-1997; Cambridge, Mass.
ISSN: 10783482
Già: The International journal of supercomputer applications
Poi: The International journal of high performance computing applications
(Dep B 11)International journal of theoretical physics
1968-....; New York
ISSN: 00207748
(Dep B 13)International review of cytology
1952-....; New York
ISSN: 00747696
Ha come suppl.: International review of cytology. Supplement
(Dep D 22cd)Internationales Archiv für Arbeitsmedizin
1970-1975; Berlin
ISSN: 00205923
Già: Internationales Archiv für Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene
Poi: International archives of occupational and environmental health
(Dep C 27d)Internationales Archiv für Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene
1962-1969; Berlin
Già: Archiv für Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene
Poi: Internationales Archiv für Arbeitsmedizin
(Dep C 27d)Invertebrate neuroscience
1995-....; Sheffield
ISSN: 13542516
Lac. 2007;
(A 15; Dep C 26b)Isi Atlas of science: Pharmacology
1987-....; Philadelphia
ISSN: 08909083
Lac. 1988;
(Dep D 26c)Italian journal of anatomy and embryology
1992-....; Firenze
ISSN: 11226714
Già: Archivio italiano di anatomia e di embriologia
Lac. 1997;
(A 21; Dep C 6c)The Italian journal of biochemistry
1957-....; Roma
ISSN: 00212938
Lac. 1965;1973-1974;1993;1997;2004;
(A 12; Dep C 7d)Italian journal of food science
1989-....; Torino
ISSN: 11201770
Lac. 1998-1999;
(A 17; Dep C 5a)Italian journal of gastroenterology
1978-1996; Roma
ISSN: 0392-0623
Già: Rendiconti di gastroenterologia
Poi: The Italian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Lac. 1988;
(Dep C 21d)Italian journal of surgical sciences
1981-1989; Roma
ISSN: 03923525
Lac. 1982;1984-1986;
(Dep C 26c)
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