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Nieddu Mariella

Ricercatore Confermato

SSD: BIO/13  Biologia Applicata

Dip. Scienze e Tecnologie Biomediche sez. Biologia e Genetica
telefono: 0706754102
fax: 0706754100
e-mail: mnieddu(at)

-Biologia e Genetica (CdL Medicina e Chirurgia)
-Biologia Applicata (CdL Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico)                                                                                                                                 -Biologia (CdL Infermieristica)                                                                                                                                                                         -Genetica (Scuola di specializzazione in Genetica Medica)


1) Studio dei DNA ripetuti localizzati in specifiche regioni di cromosomi eucariotici                                                                                                 

2) Caratterizzazione citologico- molecolare di particolari regioni di cromosomi eucariotici                                            

3) Studio di marcatori citologico-molecolari implicati nell’evoluzione di una serie di specie di vertebrati


1)  M. NIEDDU, G. PICHIRI, S. MANCONI, R. MEZZANOTTE.Some remarks on the use of TaqI to detect highly repetitive DNA sequences in human chromosomes.      European Journal of Histochemistry ( 2006 ) Oct-Dec 50(4):281-284  

2)  G. PICHIRI, M. NIEDDU, S. MANCONI, C.CASU, P.CONI, S. SALVATORI, R. MEZZANOTTE. Isolation and characterization of two different 5S rDNA in Anguilla anguilla and in Anguilla rostrata: possible markers of evolutionary divergence Molecular Ecology Notes ( 2006 ) 6, 638-64     

3)   P.DELL'ERA – S.NICOLI – G.PERI – M.NIEDDU – M.G.ENNAS – M.PRESTA F GF2-induced upregulation of DNA polymerase-  p12 subunit in endothelial cells Oncogene 24 : 1117-1121 (2005)  

4)    M.NIEDDU G. PICHIRI V.MELIS R.ZZT  TEThe impact of StuI digestion in situ on FISH to human chromosomes with satellite          DNA probes.          Heredity 90 : 298—301  ( 2003 )   

5 )    M.NIEDDU G. PICHIRI G.DIAZ R.MEZZANOTTE The organization of classical satellite DNAs in human chromosomes: an approach using AluI and TaqI restriction endonucleases. European Journal of Histochemistry  47 :209-214 ( 2003 )    

6 )    G.PICHIRI – P.CONI – A.M.DEIANA – M.NIEDDU – R.MEZZANOTTE On the variability of MboI repeated sequences and 5S rDNA in Muraena helena and Gymnothorax unicolor ( Anguilliformes, Muraenide ) Chromosome Research 8: 443-445 ( 2000 )    

7)     M.NIEDDU – R. ROSSINO – G. PICHIRI – M. ROCCHI – M.D.SETZU – R. MEZZANOTTE The efficiency of in situ hybridization on human chromosomes with alphoid DNAs is enhanced by previous digestion with AluI and TaqI Chromosome Research 7: 593—602  (1999)   

8)      M. NIEDDU – G. PICHIRI – P. CONI – S. SALVADORI – A. M. DEIANA –R. MEZZANOTTE A comparative analysis of european and american eel (Anguilla anguilla and  Anguilla   rostrata) genomic DNA: 5S  r DNA polymorphism permits the distinction between  the two populations            Genome   41: 728 – 732  (1998)    

9)     M.G.ENNAS – R.GREIM – C.SORIO – M.NIEDDU – K.LOCHENER – A.SCARPA C.M.C.CROCE – G.H.FEY – R.MARSCHALEK The wild-type all-1 protein is localized in the nucleus and  interacts with the nuclear chromatin Cancer Research 57: 2035 – 2041 (1997);   

10)     R.MEZZANOTTE – R.ROSSINO – M. NIEDDU – J.l.BELLA – C.LOPEZ-FERNAN-DEZ  and J. GOSALVEZ Sulphonation of cytosine residues in fixed chromosomes Cytobios 83: 167 – 170 (1995);